Friday, March 20, 2020


For some of with extra time on our hands these days, we can take a few minutes and continue to open our minds about our profession. Watch, listen or read when you have a few minutes or a spare hour, but here are a few things we liked recently.

"I didn't believe in running for conditioning. In other words, I didn't believe in making them run a mile at all, or laps, or anything. But we ran plenty in our practice periods."

America's greatest coach, John Wooden, was recorded here in this 1993 coaching lecture that is basketball heavy BUT his coaching wisdom and insights are peppered throughout. A great chance to hear an hour from a legend in our profession.

"It's beautiful to have a goal. I think it's more beautiful and more powerful to have a vision."

Kerri Walsh Jennings talks about her journey, her obstacles and her career with former USC player and now podcast host Victoria Garrick's RealPod. (There is some language that my be unsuitable for all audiences, listener discretion is advised)

"I don't think I ever feel good. I just think about how I'm screwing up and how I could have done better."

In this candid interview, University of Georgia and Canadian Women's National team coach Tom Black talks about building his programs, what goes into those builds and how he continues his coaching journey day by day.

"If you are fortunate enough to be called 'Coach,' carry that moniker with pride. Seek out education and mentoring and do everything in your power to make sure that my child, and every child, has fun playing the sport with you because they feel valued and accomplished while learning to be competitive."

Jennifer Etnier's article, written from a Parent's point of view looks at youth coaching and how when it's done badly, it can ruin an athlete for life. A great perspective from the other side of the mirror.

"No matter what the trauma was they were recovering from, they said, 'When you are grateful for what you have, I understand that you understand the magnitude of what I've lost.'"

In these uncertain days ahead, it's good to get a quick lesson from Dr. Brene' Brown's Netflix special, "The Call to Courage" which will help any coach deal better with athletes, parents and life in general. A great funny and provocative hour or so. Once again, there is some language that my be unsuitable for all audiences, listener discretion is advised.

If you find anything you would like to share with Coaches in the Arizona Region that you felt was helpful or inspiring for you, please share it with us at

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